During this section of the project, I have found using manual on the camera can vastly improve the images produced by adjusting different settings to capture the image in the way you want. I found this is especially useful when capturing shadows . I have experimented with edited techniques and I am now more confident with my photoshop abilities. One thing I found by doing landscapes is the composition is crucial for the image to work, as well as the colours seeping through. Throughout my project thus far, my work has developed from each shoot. I want the viewer to feel like they are in the scene, acknowledging the things I once did before taking that shot. I feel like when I have been shooting, I have thought both of the positioning of objects and why there are there. Some images have been cropped if I felt the outer edges did not add anything to the image, as well as considering the composition rules I have felt are most effective - rule of thirds especially. 
After experimenting with framing , I have felt the importance of including context within my work , although sometimes this may not be relevant. I hope in my future work, the frames appear more seamless, for example a door frame. I feel like when my images are presented in a series, context is given more explicitly.
In the future, I hope to experiment more with manual mode and a topic that has a bigger resonance with a viewer.