After experimenting with a variety of locations, exposure levels and editing equipment, i believe i have enhanced my images that i have displayed on my final piece. I have chosen to make my preferred images larger than the others, which makes them stand out more. I wanted my final piece to have a collage of what i thought were my best images.
Most of my images only had slight adjustments which included editing the brightness and curve levels. I thought the editing made each image look more refined and i chose specific points to edit for different reasons. Either to make something brighter or to dim the frame of the image.
If i was to make my final piece again, i would think about what would make my images look individual as well as a collection of images. I could possibly display my images in a more meaningful way which would make the viewer be more engaged. For some of my images, I would like to keep the viewer engaged by having various different aspects rather than one focal point. The composition for the images is vital for this to be effective.
As my first large project , I believe this went successfully as i wanted to display my images in a unique way. Although some images were not exactly what I planned , I still believe this project went well.