I wanted my final piece to include newspapers in some way as that is where my work has progressed and developed to. My initial idea was to create my own newspaper with my images . I looked into newspaper printing website but they were too expensive to be produced. Turning to a smaller scale, I attempted to create my own by scanning a few pages of newspaper and adding my own images. One thing that was important to me was the feel newspapers give - if I made a newspaper it would have feel similar to the real thing. My first attempt used the scanned page and inserted one of my images. I blurred the majority of text so my image was prominent in the work.

After this, I felt although this was the aim of my work, I did not like the final result. The texture was too dissimilar to a traditional paper. While trialling this, I also attempted printing onto newspaper by backing it with card. The results of this i was satisfied with and i continued to do so with other materials such as a McDonalds Paper bag. In the newspaper, I will attempt to find articles that relate to the image, such as geographical location.In my opinion, these images came out much better in comparison than my previous work. Some images unfortunately came out in the wrong orientation, However for my final edits, I have worked out the positioning with the printer by putting a test piece of paper into the printer. This allows me to work out which side i need to insert the paper to make the image the same way up as the text/ object that is being printed on.

What did I learn from experimenting from the final piece?Some of the images were compromised when the background had other images/ bright adverts . For my final piece I will attempt to use pages that are mainly text and increase the contrast so that the images are more visible when printed.
As well as printing on a Mcdonalds bag, I collected some bus timetables as in one image, buses can be seen in the background. I want to try and link a few images this way, using an article or otherwise. I plan to frame the images in various frames with some sort of title. I was thinking of using letters from left over pages to create a title such as: