12 Sep

In my first album , I was travelling on a ferry and wanted to show the bold colours whilst at sea. Although there is a component of the ocean in all my images and this is fairly dull in colour, I planned to use other parts of the image to have a strong colour contrast. I wanted to have various points that stood out in my work, I found this easier when the sea was included in my images as there is a stronger colour variation within the foreground and background. I felt this was done successfully. I wanted the composition to be an integral part of the shoot with both the horizon and any other objects in the images. One thing I think worked well is the pastel colours that David Noton had in his work. 

Some of my images had a glare reflecting off the sea which caused some of the images to be overexposed. Another thing I found caused issues was using manual focus as some of the images came out blurry. Whilst shooting, I experimented with framing photography that I have previously researched. 

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