As a photographer I am fascinated by the camera's ability to tell complex and personal stories that transport the viewer into a different place and time.I have decided to research into James Ravilious and Joshua Thomas Cooper for my personal study. Both of these photographers have similar photography styles as both are shooting black and white photos. However, the way the images have been presented are vastly different. By researching both of these photographers, I would like to understand in more detail the effects of black and white photography to an image. I will seek to improve my camera ability by shooting in manual mode.
I would like to use both photographers as inspiration in my work by using black and white on the camera as well as shooting with colour. In my first shoot I plan to do this to see if editing the colour images rather than shooting in black and white makes a difference to the overall piece. The majority of Ravilious’ work is candid photography of the people and communities of the countryside whereas Cooper utilises the coastal regions to create dramatic landscape vistas. From this, i would like to experiment with candid photography and photograph the day running a farm in a rural community.